This Apple Support document outlines some basic tips to keep your Macs running happily. These are basic tips that everyone should know. Reading through it I found out that I do most of the stuff listed already save for two things. I am still guilty or leaving files that aren’t named properly. I still have DSC_001.jpg files strewn about. I also don’t have anti-virus software installed. Call it complacency or whatever you want to. I feel safe without an anti-virus software installed provided I just follow steps to minimize risk.
The article is a good read for those novice Mac users.
Thanks to Elbert, chairman of PhilMUG for pointing this article out to me.
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May 10th, 2006 at 6:36 am
Thanks for the information. good read indeed.
May 11th, 2006 at 11:58 pm
hey fids, thanks for stopping by. Visit us again