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The After Mac

The Macbooks Are Coming, The Macbooks Are Coming!!!

by Juan on May 5th, 2006

The anticipation is reaching fever pitch. Is the long awaited Macbook finally coming?!?! Well if the image above is a sign, it’s coming… and soon. The above image came from a page at the Apple web site.
Macrumors is saying May. An unverified source has told Macrumors that Macbooks are coming in the coming week. Some Apple stores have received materials for a product set to be released on tuesday. The materials are sealed with specific instructions to only open them on Tuesday. Whoa?!? even Apple’s employees aren’t allowed to see the materials in advance. How’s that for secretive?

I guess all bets are on as to how the Macbook will turn out. Knowing Apple, it’s going to be awesome.

POSTED IN: Apple News, Juan's Posts, MacBook, Rumors

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