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Macintosh, Mac Apps, iPhone, Steve Jobs, Apple

Mac Mini Upgraded

by Juan on September 6th, 2006

With the iMac’s update, the Mac Mini wasn’t far behind. Gone are the days of the Core Solo. Sweet and short it’s life has been. It’s now replaced with a 1.66Ghz Core Duo for the entry level model and a 1.83Ghz for the top end. Both have 512MB of RAM. The low end has a 60GB hard drive and a combo drive, while the top end has an 80GB hard drive and a slot-loading Superdrive with dual layer support.

Starting at $599 it’s not a bad deal at all. The Mac Mini will more than adequately service your day-to-day surfing, word processing, video watching, pod casting, photo managing needs and a lot more. I’m actually thinking of scouring around local resellers looking for a good deal on the now obsolete Core Solo model. It would be nice to get one of those at a bargain then hook it up to the living room tv and have it as a media server. I really don’t need the Core Duo for that purpose.

POSTED IN: Apple News, Intel, Juan's Posts, Mac Mini

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