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Macintosh, Mac Apps, iPhone, Steve Jobs, Apple

Leopard Weekend Sales Hit 2 Million

by Juan on October 30th, 2007

AppleInsider reports that weekend sales of Leopard has hit the 2 million mark. This includes the bundled licenses included in new Macs, sales for retail stores and online retailers. Tiger sold 2 million copies in 6 weeks. Leopard is out pacing Tiger by far.

Unlike Vista which a lot of Windows XP users are still hesitant to upgrade to, Tiger users are making a dash to upgrade to Leopard. That’s the picture that the 2 million copies sold over the weekend is telling me. That’s actually been the case even in the past.

I for one am also itching to upgrade to Leopard in stark contrast to my dad who’s now having second thoughts on why his new computer is running Vista as opposed to XP. It was a forced upgrade so to speak since it’s bundled with his VAIO.

POSTED IN: Apple News, Juan's Posts, Leopard, Mac OS X, Software, Tiger

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