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Macintosh, Mac Apps, iPhone, Steve Jobs, Apple

iPod Touched Fixed

by Juan on July 26th, 2008

I wrote about my iPod Touch woes the other day. I finally got my iPod back the other day. Hooray!

I’m really happy about the customer service that Apple provides. It’s also in part through the great Apple Reseller here in Manila, DigitalHub. They processed my iPods repair. My iPod was diagnosed, sent to Apple, replaced with another unit in less than a week. They traced the problem to faulty WiFi. It was a hardware problem so they needed to send the unit back to Apple.

I’ve finally been able to fully experience the 2.0 software. Sure there are some problems to it. I kinda feel it’s a bit slower than 1.4 but the apps and app store make up for it.

Remote rocks. This is one of my favorite apps that I’ve gotten for my iPod Touch. Best of all it’s free.

Another app that I found useful is Mocha VNC Lite. It’s the free version of Mocha VNC. I used to use TouchPad Pro when my iPod was still in the previous version but since I haven’t jail broken my iPod Touch 2.0 I tried to look for an alternative. So far Mocha VNC Lite is working well.

Some of the other apps I’ve downloaded are New York Times, Facebook AIM and Super Monkey Ball. All of it are great.

So I’ll be writing more about my iPod Touch experience in the days to come. I really wanted to try Mobile Me but from the horror stories I’ve heard, I’ll give it a few more weeks for Apple to iron out the kinks.

POSTED IN: Juan's Posts, iPod Touch

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