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The people at Cambrian House just started a novel way to raise funds. They got a White Macbook 1.83 Ghz Core Duo and sent it off in a journey. The mission, to get as much signatures on it from Tech Rockstars. The laptop at the end of it’s journey will then be auctioned off to the highest bidder. The proceeds of which will go to the Youth For Technology Foundation. The target, $10,000.

The first stop of The White Laptop is Guy Kawasaki. A former Apple Fellow and one of the people responsible for the Macintosh’s success. From Guy, The White Laptop will hopefully make it’s way to other tech rockstars and at the end of December 2006, it will find its way back to where it started and it will then be auctioned off to us tech hopefuls.

Neat idea. Especially since it’s a Mac. Well here’s my the signatures I want to see on the laptop. Steve Jobs, Kevin Rose, Dean Kamen, Steve Wozniak and Dado Banatao. Dado is a Filipino and he might not be that popular but he’s made a significant contribution to the computing world. Oh and wouldn’t it be great if they can get Bill Gates to sign it.

Who do you want to sign it? Leave a comment below.

Thanks to fellow b5 blogger, Sasha for sharing this with us.

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