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Archive for the ‘Time Machine’ Category

March 22nd, 2008

Time Capsule Functionality in Airport Extreme Base Station

[via MacRumors]
Apple released updates for Time Machine and Aiport a few days ago and according to Mac Rumors some of its readers are writing in to say that you can now backup wirelessly to an Airport Extreme Base Station with an external USB drive attached.
Now this is certainly a good thing. An Airport Extreme with […]

By Juan -- 8 comments

February 18th, 2008

What You Need To Know About Time Machine

MacWorld has a great article which gives you a breakdown if Time Machine is right for you. From the surface Time Machine seems to be the answer to our backup prayers but as the article points out, it’s really not for everyone.
One of Time Machine’s drawbacks is that it really requires a lot of space […]

By Juan -- 0 comments