July 31st, 2008
Recently I came across a post about the new file backup service, Dropbox. After a little digging, I got myself an invite to the private beta, and got it set up.
Set up was truly a breeze. This is one of those programs that just seem to work. I have it installed on my Mac […]
By Chris Marsden -- 7 comments
June 14th, 2008
So I’ve been giving Mobile Me a lot of thought lately. I wasn’t really sold with .Mac before. I mean it was a good service just not worth the $99 per year. There were free solutions after all. However having seen the demo at the WWDC keynote and the guided tour over at the Apple […]
By Juan -- 1 comment
June 10th, 2008
Have you ever been a .Mac Subscriber? I was. And on the whole, it was a fairly pleasant painless experience. But, for $99 it seemed like I could solve most if not all of the .Mac features with other services (often free services). But MobileMe could be the answer to all that.
The Old Features
The greatest […]
By Chris Marsden -- 4 comments
February 23rd, 2008
Elbert, PhilMUG’s current chairman just got his MacBook Air. He’s upgrading to from a 12″ PowerBook G4. He posted his work around on how he migrated his data from the PowerBook to the MacBook Air. I’m reposting his workaround here. But he might update it so it’s best to check the actual thread here.
Elbert […]
By Juan -- 0 comments
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