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Archive for the ‘30 Years’ Category

January 1st, 2007

Apple Invades the Living Room?

Steve Jobs did mention that Apple will be taking a more streamlined direction to consumer products, bringing the Apple brand into more than just cars, pockets and workstations. The living room and the wireless industry are two obvious starting points as rumors of the “iPhone” draw near and the “iTV” concept was announced late last […]

By Jayvee -- 0 comments

June 6th, 2006

MacBook directions

While daydreaming about the inevitable second iteration of the MacBooks, I’ve considered several possibilities for what the upgrades would include.
Some say changing the video card memory from shared to dedicated would be a huge step, but that’s treading into the MacBook Pro territory. And doing this would greatly anger those who bought Pros.
So aside from […]

By Jayvee -- 0 comments

April 24th, 2006

Fast OS switching

Running Linux, Windows and Mac OSX simultaneously in one computer is something any geek would look forward to. This was done using a virtual desktop manager and a hotkey to switch OS.

[Got it here]

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By Jayvee -- 0 comments

April 20th, 2006

Apple is building a new campus

Yep that’s right, Apple is building a new campus in Cupertino.
If you’ve listened to Apple’s recent earnings webcast, or read the recent Reuters report, you’ve heard a slight mention of a “second Cupertino campus.” There’s not much information out there, but with Steve Jobs’ public testimony available from Cupertino’s City Council, we’ve got word (and […]

By Jayvee -- 0 comments

April 8th, 2006


It’s really cute that within Microsoft, there’s a bunch of guys and gals who work in a Microsoft-Macintosh “safe zone.”

Here’s the thing though, with the new bootcamp software, it makes some of us wonder how Microsoft Office for the Mac will keep its toes above water.
Image here.
Thanks, WinZu!

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By Jayvee -- 0 comments