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The After Mac

Apple Products I Want To Like

by Chris Marsden on June 5th, 2008

I consider myself an Apple fan. Not one of those fans, but a fan. One of the reasons I look forward to every major Apple event is that maybe, just maybe, they will finally make the necessary improvements to their products that move them from a great idea to a must have product (at least for me). So with WWDC coming up, here is a short list of products I want to like, products that need just a tweak (and a bit more hype) to turn from a great idea into a must have.

The iPhone

This is by far the most anticipated product that is coming at this year’s WWDC. Of course we don’t know its coming, but since we know it’s coming we can write with confidence (I love Mac rumors). The first generation product was amazing. No argument here. But it needed just a little more. More speed. More battery life. More programs. And ideally, more discounts. Out of the box, the current version of my phone does more, runs faster, and lasts longer all while costing less than the current iPhone. Please Steve, come through with the new iPhone next week.


Again, current rumor says we see an upgrade next week, but in its current form and price I can’t see why people pay for this. The potential is huge. Integrated into the OS the way it is, it could be the solution for so many little things. But this service is slow. And as a laptop user, it was sometimes buggy connecting and disconnecting as I switched offices. I don’t like the potential new name, but would love to see some improvement here (and again, a drop in price would be nice).


This is probably the product I want to like that I am closest to liking as is. Except. It is HD only and yet Apple still hasn’t quite solved the HD content problems. Until I get an HDTV, this isn’t even an option for me. But once I do, I want to watch HD content on my new HDTV, not SD content.

MacBook Air

This is so close to the computer I want to buy. So close. Definitely needs better battery life before it is an option for me. On top of that, what I really want is a 13.3" MacBook Pro. I want the dedicated video. I want the faster processor, more ram, and all the benefits of being on the Pro paltform. I just want it smaller. If Apple doesn’t release anything new in the next 6 months, the MacBook Air is likely to be my new computer come September/October, I just really wished I like it more than I do considering the price.

What about you? What do you wish Apple would just get right so you could fall in love? Hopefully next week will bring not only new products, but better products we can fall in love with all over again.

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